act,me...also feel wanna to give up sometimes...duhh,tired rite?
s0, when i feel like i wanna give up...i'm always take a deep breath n think again, why Allah created me?? why my m0m gave birth t0 me?? and why i'm in here n0w??
and then...i'll find the answer...the answer is although i'm n0t as g0od as others, i must fight t0 be great, t0 be the best....
s0 here, we b0rn t0 fight...and we fight only f0r what we love...
if u find that its hard t0 fight...d0 love what u are doing,then it'll be easier f0r u t0 me...
luck/fate doesn't matter, just believe, have faith n never give up ;)...
never give up k??
"So did you think We created you for fun and that you will not be returned to Us?" [al-Mukminun: 115.]
p/s : FYI, Bill Gates said, ” I never finished my studies at Harvard, but i do employ people from Harvard”...